Office Staff

Executive Director
Since 2000

Business Manager
Since 1999

Senior Administrative Asst.
Since 2018
Administrative Assistant
Since 2018
Administrative Assistant
Since 2023
Northshore Group administrative staff are present in the office through the work week and will answer your phone calls to 865-584-0171. Their hours are Monday through Thursday 8 am to 5 pm and Friday 8 am to 4 pm. They are happy to help you schedule an appointment, take a message, direct you to voicemail or assist you with your account. If you wish, our staff will file claims to insurance companies and other third-party payors on your behalf. We are in-network providers for Blue Cross, United/Optum, Cigna, and Humana. Most of our clinicians are also paneled with Medicare.
When the staff is away, our phone lines are directed to a general voicemail mailbox. You may leave a routine message and it will be reviewed by the office staff the next time the office opens.
In the event of an afterhours emergent need to speak to the Northshore Group professional with whom you are already consulting, you may call our answering service directly at (865) 686-5381. They can take your message and relay it to your provider or the colleague on call.
If you prefer to ask a routine question to our office staff via email, please direct your message to: Also, you may send a fax to: (865) 584-0174.